IntroductionThe Department of Statistics has a reputation for outstanding teaching, research and consulting services. The department offers an opportunity to students to diversify their talent in different new emerging fields of statistics. The department plays an important role in terms of producing graduates fully equipped with modern data analysis tools. The department of Statistics was formally established in Spring 2001, although a Master in Statistics program had been offered by the Department of Mathematics since spring 1994. The department has also been offering MPhil and PhD programs since Fall 2003 and BS (4-Years) since Fall 2013. Apart from the core courses, numbers of optional ones are also offered to train students from theoretical and practical aspects. Statistical computing plays a major role in the programs offered by the department as one of the aim is to produce students who can immediately work as applied statisticians by covering all theoretical concepts. To promote data literacy, the department train young talent of Pakistan to apply appropriate statistical tools to get more insights about the data/problem at hand. This not only helps to understand key issues during data collection but also promotes data driven innovations. Weekly assignments/practical work makes extensive use of standard statistical packages including MINITAB, SPSS, BMDP, TSP, SAS, R, Mathematica, etc., which are installed on the computers in the well-furnished computer laboratory. The department also provides statistical consultancy service to researchers of other disciplines in the university such as Biological Sciences, Psychology, and Anthropology among others. Researchers from outside agencies such as National Institute of Population Studies and Pakistan Institute of Medical Science are regular clients receiving free expert advice on their research problems. This service is envisaged to provide paid consultancy service and conduct surveys for various National and International organizations working in Pakistan. Since 1996, more than 1600 MSc, 500 MPhil, and 30 PhD, 30 BS (4-Years, program started in 2013). degrees have been conferred in Statistics and most of our students are employed in reputable organizations like FBS, National Universities, State Bank of Pakistan, Pharmaceutical Industries, Government offices, Commercial Banks, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Education and many other firms and organizations. It is worth mentioning that many our graduates are working in different universities of foreign countries. |
Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam
University Islamabad, 45320, Pakistan. |
Tel: +92-51 9064-2180, Email: stats@qau.edu.pk |