Course CodeCourse Title
ST-601Advanced Probability Theory–I
ST-602Advanced Probability Theory-II
ST-603Estimation Theory
ST-604Hypotheses Testing
ST-605Survey Sampling-I
ST-606Survey Sampling-II
ST-607Advanced Topics in Design of Experiments
ST-608Advanced Survival Analysis
ST-609Linear Models
ST-610Advanced Categorical Data Analysis
ST-611Bayesian Inference
ST-612Bayesian Decision Theory
ST-613Advanced Multivariate Statistics
ST-614Time Series Analysis
ST-615Stochastic Processes
ST-616Operations Research
ST-617Numerical Analysis and Stochastic Simulations
ST-618Nonparametric and Robust Methods
ST-619Mixture Distributions
ST-620Recent Developments in Statistics
ST-621Financial Econometrics
ST-622Mathematical Demography
ST-623Statistical Process Control
ST-624 Randomized Response and Indirect Questioning Techniques
ST-625 Statistical Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
ST-626Advanced Spatial Data Analysis: Geostatistics
ST-701 Nonlinear Optimization
ST-702 Reliability Theory
ST-703 Computational Statistics
ST-704 Functional Data Analysis
ST-705 Statistical Machine Learning
ST-706Generalized Linear Models
ST-707 Social Network Analysis
ST-708Areal and Point Pattern Data Analysis
ST-709Statistical Ecology
ST-710Statistical Epidemiology
ST-711 High-Dimensional Data Analysis and Management
ST-712Deep Reinforcement Learning
ST-713Statistics and Pattern Recognition
ST-714Advanced Neural Computing
ST-715Statistical Analysis of High Throughput Experiments
ST-716Statistics and Natural Language Processing
ST-799MPhil Thesis
ST-899PhD Thesis


  1. Each course is of 3 credits hours.
  2. MPhil course work shall be 24 credits hours.
  3. MPhil Dissertation shall be 26 credits hours.
  4. Total of 50 credits are to be completed for the award of MPhil Statistics degree.

PhD course work shall be 18 credits.